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2008 Legislative Reports

Report No. 1 Section 6 and 7, Requiring All Department and Agencies to Identify their Goals and Objective in Accordance to Act 100, SLH 1999.

Report No. 2 HCR 312 (2007), Inmates and Out-of-State Correctional Facilities Costs.

Report No. 3 HRS 353C-7, Expenditure Report for Federal Reimbursement Maximization Special Funds .

Report No. 4 Act 44, SLH 2004, Report on Activities Related to Coordinated Drug Abatement Efforts, and HRS 329-11, Schedules for Controlled Substances

Report No. 5 HB 500, Act 213(2007), Section 102, Report on Inmates Re-entry Program.

Report No. 6 HB 500, Act 213(2007), Section 101 – Report on Inmate Apprenticeship Program, Section 103 – Inmate Transitional Work Furlough Substance Abuse Treatment Services and Section 104 – Inmate Transition and Job Development Program

Report No. 7 Act 258, Section 2, Report on Gender Responsive Community Based Programs for Women

Report No. 8 Act 213, Part V, Section 132, Session Laws of Hawaii 2007, Report on Capital Improvement Program Appropriations.

Report No. 9 Act 213, HB 500, Inmates Mental Health Services at OCCC, HCF and WCCC

Report No. 10 HRS 353G, Criminal Offender Treatment Act.

Report No. 11 HRS 354D-3.5, Correctional Industries

Report No. 12 Act 144, S.B. No. 914, Report on Mental Health Services for Committed Persons

Report No. 13 Act 250, S.B. 1174 (2006), Report on Strengthening Keiki of Incarcerated Parents Program

Report No. 14 Act 8 (2007), Special Session, Part 1, Section (7c), Sections 21 and 22

Report No. 15 Narcotics Enforcement Division 2008 Legislative Update