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Office of the Director


He Au Hou…it’s a new era!

The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is all about giving new beginnings to those serving time in our facilities. I would like to invite you to join our dedicated team of nearly 2,700 members to help to change lives and improve safety and security in our island home.

Tommy Johnson

Tommy Johnson Director, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

The Director of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is responsible for the following areas:

Civil Rights Compliance Office

Under the general direction of the Director of the Department of Public Safety, the responsibility of the Civil Rights Compliance Office (CRCO) is to assure that the department is in full compliance with federal and state civil rights laws and all related regulations, directives, and executive orders in all its programs and activities. The CRCO is the department’s focal point for equal employment compliance activities and functions conducted through divisional programs and staff offices statewide. The CRCO is also responsible for drafting and monitoring implementation of the department’s Affirmative Action Plan to ensure satisfactory progress and conducting compliance reviews and submitting written analyses to the United States (U.S.) Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Labor, and other appropriate agencies as necessary.

Internal Affairs Office

The Internal Affairs Office (IAO), under the general supervision of the IAO Chief Investigator, conducts administrative, civil, and criminal investigations of the employees of the Department of Public Safety. The IAO presently consists of five full-time investigators who have the powers of police officers statewide.

Inspections and Investigations Office

The Inspections and Investigations Office (IIO) was established as the self-monitoring component of the Director’s command and control system. Through its subordinate staff offices, IIO endeavors to ensure all department programs operate efficiently in a safe, humane, and lawful manner at all times.