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Career Technical Training

The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation offers various vocational and career technical training to provide meaningful employment skills necessary to thrive in the workforce once released from incarceration.

  • Culinary Arts (WCF, WCCC): For inmates interested in the Food Service industry and may have had previous food service experience. Delivery of services provided by the Kapiolani Community College.
  • Forklift Certification (HCF, KCF, WCF): For inmates interested in jobs that require Forklift operation.
  • Food Safety & Certification (HCF, OCCC, WCF, WCCC): For inmates interested in the Food Service industry and may have had previous food service experience. Delivery of services provided by the Kapiolani Community College.
  • Food Safety & Certification (Saguaro): For inmates interested in the Food Service industry and may have had previous food service experience.
  • Carpentry Apprenticeship (KCF, WCF, WCCC): For inmates interested in the construction industry and may have had previous carpentry experience. Upon completion of this apprenticeship, the inmate is automatically accepted into the union and is credited by hours completed. This program will soon be extended to female inmates at WCCC.
  • Carpentry (Saguaro): For inmates interested in the construction industry and may have had previous carpentry experience.
  • Plumbing (Saguaro): For inmates interested in the construction industry and may have had previous plumbing experience.
  • Braille (Saguaro): For inmates interested in Braille certification upon release.
  • Pre-Employment / Job Readiness (Statewide): For inmates needing employment assistance and employment recommendations or referrals. Delivery of services provided by Goodwill Industries. At MCCC, Parents and Children Together provide employment assistance to inmates previously on probation until they are re-released into the community.
  • American Job Center Program (HCF, WCF, WCCC*): Services to assist inmates in HireNet Hawaii, skills training, job search assistance, in-depth career counseling and access to training for in-demand jobs. *Soon to add WCCC.
  • Aztec Life Skills (HCF, WCF, KCF, WCCC): An independent studies web-based program that addresses employability and life skills.
  • Toastmasters (HCF, WCF, Saguaro): Develops, enhances, and improves communication skills through public speaking.