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Reentry Commission Strategic Plan (2017-2020)

Click here to see the Reentry Commission Strategic Plan.

In 2009, the Hawaiʻi State Legislature (SLH 2009 – Act 24) established the Reentry Commission within the Department of Public Safety (PSD).
The Commission was established to: “work with the department in monitoring and reviewing the comprehensive offender reentry program, including facility educational and treatment programs, rehabilitative services, work furloughs, and the Hawaiʻi paroling authority’s oversight of parolees”; and “ensure that the comprehensive offender reentry system under chapter 353H, Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes, is implemented as soon as practicable to provide programs and services that result in the release of inmates on parole when the maximum terms have been served instead of delaying the release for lack of programs and services.”

The Commission is seeking public comment from February 1 to March 1, 2017 on their Strategic Plan. To provide comment, simply fill out the online form below and click submit.