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Women’s Community Correctional Center

Education Programs

  • Windward Community College – 2nd Chance Pell Grant  — An associate degree in Hawaiian Studies & Innovation and Credit/Certification in Psyco-Social Development for those with a high school diploma, GED, or HSE and qualifies for FAFSA.

Other Personal and Professional Development Programs

  • Violence Intervention, Domestic Violence Anger Management, Victim Support Services  — For female inmates preparing to be released into the community with a history of domestic violence. Delivery of services provided by Keiki O Ka Aina.
  • Cognitive Skills-Transformation CBT  — This program provides group and individual counseling sessions in changing an inmate’s behavior. Delivery of services provided by the Salvation Army.
  • Cognitive Skills-P-CHAMP/Lifestiles — This correspondence cognitive skills course is delivered via Zoom sessions.
  • Try Think — This program strives to bring people together to bridge the gaps and share ideas to strengthen ties with each other and their sense of community. Delivery of services provided by volunteers with the Hawaii Counsel for Humanities.
  • Project NAM — This volunteer-led course provides inmates with the opportunity to learn how to choose alternative options to criminal thinking and behavior by developing values of honesty, respect, tolerance, responsibility, and compassion for others.
  • Yoga — An instructional education program to develop body awareness, focus and relieve everyday stress.
  • Cultural Healing & Well Being — Provides Native Hawaiian culture and history in its curriculum that highlights transformation through the sharing of personal stories and showcasing an individual’s talents. Delivery of services provided by volunteers with the Pua Foundation.
  • Pre-Transition Program — Provides tools on preparing for release, recognize obstacles and plans to overcome identified obstacles, provides safe spaces to discuss past trauma issues, tips on developing positive attitudes and maintaining healthy connections to succeed. Delivery of services provided by volunteers with the Pua Foundation.
  • Total Life Recovery – TLR — Provides courses in co-dependency, finances, time management, trauma, domestic violence, family relationships, social skills, and career planning. Delivery of services provided by volunteers in the faith-based community.

Career Technical Training

  • Culinary Arts — For inmates interested in the Food Service industry and may have had previous food service experience. Delivery of services provided by the Kapiolani Community College.
  • Food Safety & Certification — For inmates interested in the Food Service industry and may have had previous food service experience. Delivery of services provided by the Kapiolani Community College.
  • Carpentry Apprenticeship — For inmates interested in the construction industry and may have had previous carpentry experience. Upon completion of this apprenticeship, the inmate is automatically accepted into the union and is credited by hours completed. This program will soon be extended to female inmates at WCCC.
  • American Job Center Program — Cominng soon! Services to assist inmates in HireNet Hawaii, skills training, job search assistance, in-depth career counseling and access to training for in-demand jobs.
  • Aztec Life Skills — An independent studies web-based program that addresses employability and life skills.

Substance Abuse Treatment

  • Intensive Outpatient Treatment  — For inmates with moderate risk for recidivism. Delivery of services provided by facility substance abuse staff and/or Salvation Army.
  • Ke Alaula: Breaking a New Dawn – Residential Treatment  — A therapeutic community for female inmates that assessed for residential substance abuse treatment based on traditional Hawaiian culture and values. Delivery of services provided by Hina Mauka.
  • Outpatient Treatment — For inmates with low risk for recidivism. Delivery of services provided by facility substance abuse staff and/or Salvation Army.
  • Narcotics Anonymous — Volunteer-led NA meetings.

Sex Offender Treatment

  • For inmates convicted of a sex offense or inmates needing treatment as assessed and approved by staff.

Family Re-Unification Programs

  • Parenting After Violence — For female inmates preparing to be released into the community with a history of domestic violence. Delivery of services provided by Keiki O Ka Aina.
  • Family Education & Therapy — Family education classes offered to inmates with family-related issues and bring awareness to family dysfunction. Additional therapy sessions are available to maximize benefits. Delivery of services provided by the Salvation Army.
  • Read-to-Me International — Inmates are re-connected with their children by choosing a children’s book to read aloud, recorded on CD, and the book/CD is mailed to the inmate’s family.
  • Kids Day Events — A popular “Star Light, Star Bright” event sponsored by various non-profit organizations that reunite the inmate, their children, and the children’s care givers. This event is designed to strengthen parent bonds to decrease child abuse/neglect.

Furlough Programs

  • Clean and Sober Housing — Provides eligible inmates on extended furlough and eligible parolees, a clean and safe place to live at reduced rates to help them save money to be self-sufficient when transitioning back to the community. Delivery of services for female inmates provided by Women in Need (WIN), and GOODWILL HAWAII provides services for both male and female inmates.
  • Project Bridge Furlough — Provides eligible high-risk inmates that have successfully completed intensive substance abuse treatment with an opportunity to actively job seek, establish financial stability, develop pro-social relationships, and find appropriate housing prior to release from incarceration.
  • YWCA Fernhurst Furloug — Provides eligible female inmates with an opportunity to actively job seek, establish financial stability, develop pro-social relationships, and find appropriate housing prior to release from incarceration. Participants may participate in additional programs and services under YWCA.

Programs for Female Offenders