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Reentry Commission

The Reentry Commission was established effective January 1, 2010 by the Hawaii State Legislature to work with the Department of Public Safety in monitoring and reviewing the comprehensive offender reentry program, including facility education and treatment programs, rehabilitative services, work furloughs, and the Hawaii Paroling Authority’s oversight of parolees. The Reentry Commission makes recommendations to the Department, the Hawaii Paroling Authority, and the Legislature regarding reentry and parole services.

The Commission membership was amended in 2012, 2013 and 2015 and now stands at ten members including the Director of the Department of Public Safety who is a non-voting ex officio member. Three members are appointed by the Governor, three members are appointed by the President of the Senate, and three members are appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Reentry Commission is governed by the Sunshine Law and is required by statute to meet at least quarterly each year.


Appointed by the Governor

  • Blayne Hanagami
  • Toni Bissen
  • Kimi Takata

Appointed by the President of the Senate

  • Gary Yabuta
  • Timothy Hansen
  • Timothy Ho

Appointed by the Speaker of the House

  • Maile Kanemaru
  • Wendell Murakawa
  • Glenn Hisashima

The Acting Director of the Department of Public Safety or his designee

  • Edmund “Fred” Hyun