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Correctional Institutions Division

About the Correctional Institutions Division

Jails – The department oversees the following four jails: Hawaii Community Correctional CenterKauai Community Correctional CenterMaui Community Correctional Center, and Oahu Community Correctional Center.

Hawaii jails provide for the secure incarceration of our pretrial and very short-term sentence misdemeanant population. Jails are locally situated on each major island. The jails also provide for the transitional sentence felon population, those who have almost completed their felony sentences, and are returning to the community. Our jail population consists of both male and female inmates.

Prisons – The department oversees the following four prisons: Halawa Correctional FacilityWaiawa Correctional FacilityKulani Correctional Facility and the Women’s Community Correctional Center.  Three of the prisons are located on the island of Oahu.  Kulani Correctional Facility is located on the Big Island of Hawaii.

One facility houses Hawaii inmates on the mainland: Saguaro Correctional Center

What’s the difference between a prison and a jail? Click here for more information. 

Death Notifications

Corrections Population Reports