Sanna Muñoz Deputy Director for Rehabilitation Services and Programs Division
The Rehabilitation Services and Programs Division provides those in our care with opportunities to transform their lives, emphasizing self-improvement, personal responsibility and community healing. Prison Inmates, who are typically incarcerated for a year or more, are given access to support systems, regardless of their offense.
A variety of programs and resources, including education, job training, and furlough opportunities, are available to eligible inmates, to help prepare them for life after release. These programs range from short courses to multi-year certifications and are aimed to enhance an inmate’s marketability, and increase their chances for a successful reintegration. The hope is to break the cycle of reincarceration (including generational) and become productive, responsible citizens.
Correction Industries Division
The Correctional Industries (CI) Division is a dynamic and innovative program, which has the potential to make a greater positive impact on the department and the community. CI is a vocational rehabilitation program in Hawaii’s correctional facilities that provides real world work experience to inmates, teaching them transferable job skills and a positive work ethic to help them prepare for post release, reentry, and employment in the community. CI’s ultimate goal is to return an economically self-sufficient individual to the community who will be able to immediately join the work force and become a productive, law-abiding member of society.
Corrections Program Services
The Corrections Program Services (CPS) is responsible for implementing and monitoring a variety of programs, aimed at providing inmates with education, nutrition, religion, substance abuse counseling, and sex offender treatment.
Health Care Division
The Health Care Division (HCD) develops and maintains health care programs involving both in-house and community resources (public health, private and contract specialty care providers and volunteers) for all correctional facilities, and oversees the operation of such programs to ensure adherence to community standards, while maintaining fiscal responsibility, focusing on the uniformity of health care quality, and integration/coordination among health care providers. The HCD, in coordination with security and other corrections staff, delivers comprhensive medical, mental, and dental health services through the division’s staff of physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, dental, and other direct patient care providers at all department correctional facilities. Health care services are provided by the health care clinics located in every correctional facility statewide. Medically necessary care is rendered in a manner consistent with the community standards of care, the United States Constitution, Hawaii Revised Statues, the National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) and departmental policies and procedures. All health care clinics operations adhere to the NCCHC accreditation standards. The HCD provides 24-hour, seven-day-a-week health care services, which include skilled nursing level of care infirmary services at the Halawa Correctional Facility and at the Oahu and Women’s Community Correctional Centers. Each of the other five correctional facilities provides health care services at a minimum of eight and up to 16 hours per day, seven days per week.
Intake Services Center Division
The Intake Service Centers Division (ISCD) is responsible for community supervision of offenders in each of the four counties. The ISCD provides pretrial evaluations, assessments, and supervision to various types of offenders. In addition, the ISCD oversees prison and jail diversion programs throughout the state and works closely with the Courts and the Adult Mental Health Division of the Department of Health in an effort to divert offenders with mental health needs to appropriate community-based programs. The ISC branch offices have been involved with and have participated in community efforts to address reentry issues.