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Administration Division


The Administration Division provides administrative support services that enable corrections and law enforcement staff to carry out their responsibilities. Some of these services include training and staff development, fiscal and personnel management, management of the operating budget and capital improvements program budget, procurement, management information systems and research.

Administrative Services Office
The Administrative Services Office provides a variety of support services to the entire department through the following sections: Research and Statistics, Budget, Capital Projects, Procurement and Contracts, Information Technology Systems, and Office Services.

Fiscal Office
The Fiscal Office provides fiscal management services to the entire department through three subunits: Accounting, Payroll, and Vouchering. The Accounting Unit maintains the departmental accounts record keeping systems for state appropriations and allotments, as well as grant awards. It provides federal grant financing reporting services, processes all inter-departmental and intra-departmental reimbursements, and oversees the State’s purchasing card (pCard) program that was implement in the department during fiscal year 2006. The Payroll Unit processes all payroll transactions for the department and its attached agencies to the Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS). This unit audits all payroll claims and ensures compliance with collective bargaining agreements as well as federal and state laws. The Vouchering Unit processes all purchase orders of the department to DAGS for payment to vendors, based on the decentralized encumbrance of funds by the requisitioning programs. This unit is responsible for ensuring compliance with state laws, rules, and regulations by auditing each purchase initiated within the department.

Human Resources Office
The Human Resources Office oversees the administration of personnel services and programs for the department. The office includes four major sections: Labor Relations (LR), Staffing & Technical Services (STS), Employee Relations (ER), and Employee Transactions (ET). LR administers seven collective bargaining agreements, as well as Executive Orders, which cover those employees excluded from collective bargaining. STS manages recruitment, examination, classification, and employment suitability for all classes of work in the department. ER manages a myriad of employee assistance programs including, but not limited to safety, worker’s compensation, fitness for duty examinations, health fund, retirement benefits, and incentive & service awards. ET manages personnel actions and record keeping, pay adjustments, leave records, and maintains the official personnel files.

Training & Staff Development
Training and Staff Development (TSD) is responsible for training new correctional officers and deputy sheriff recruits. It also provides uniformed and civilian staff training on an ongoing basis, including supervisory management training, and mandated health and safety training. TSD coordinates out-service training requests, facilitates certification training programs, and maintains training records.