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Hawaii Correctional Industries Website

September 21, 2012
OCCC inmate sews boxers for the facility

OCCC inmate sews boxers for the facility

Hawaii Correctional Industries (HCI)
Operating under the State of Hawaii, Department of Public Safety Corrections, HCI’s mission is to be self-sustaining while providing all able-bodied inmates a vocational rehabilitation with real-world work opportunities, which develops inter-personal skills ensuring the individual’s ability to be a productive and contributing member to society upon release.

While incarcerated, a working inmate develops skills that are critical for his or her successful reintegration back into the community.

We all benefit when an inmate is released and he or she has the ability to secure gainful employment, paying taxes, and becoming a healthy contributing member to society.

That’s why our motto is: “Work that changes lives”, we believe in building good products and building good people!