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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need an attorney?

How long will it take to process my application?
Case processing time varies. Processing time depends on how quickly the Commission receives police reports, medical records and other documentation.

How is the compensation process different than going to criminal or civil court?
The Commission does not have the authority to impose penal or pecuniary punishment on criminals. The Commission only provides monetary compensation to victims for injuries sustained as the result of a crime. Commission determinations do not substitute for or extinguish your rights to pursue criminal prosecution or civil action.

Do I give up the right to file a civil suit by applying for compensation?

Can I apply for compensation if the offender has not been identified, charged or prosecuted?

What if I live on a neighbor island?
The Commission is a statewide program.

How is the Commission different than the county Victim Witness Assistance programs?
The Commission works in partnership with the county Victim Witness Assistance Programs. The Commission is a statewide program and the Victim Witness Assistance programs are based in each county prosecutor’s office. Victim Witness Assistance advocates support victims through the criminal justice system and refer crime victims to the Commission for financial assistance.

Other questions? If you have any other questions please contact the Commission at (808) 587-1143 or from the neighbor islands call toll free:
Hawai‘i County (808) 974-4000, x71143
Kaua‘i County (808) 274-3141, x71143
Maui County (808) 984-2400, x71143
Moloka‘i/Lāna‘i 1-800-468-4644, x71143