DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DAVID Y. IGE GOVERNOR TED SAKAI DIRECTOR FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dec. 4, 2014 Work Furlough Inmate Nikki Spears Arrested and Returned to the Women’s Community Correctional Center HONOLULU – Missing work furlough inmate Nikki Spears...
RELEASE - LWFC Work Furlough Walkaway Arrested Batalona 9.29.15 Please see attached news release for more information.
Please see attached news release for more information. RELEASE - BI Extended Furlough Walkaway Arrested Daniel Abraham 7.26.16
Please see attached news release for more information. RELEASE -Sheriffs arrest Mod 20 Walkaway Ryan Walker 7.25.16
Please see attached news release for more information. RELEASE Sheriffs arrest WCCC YWCA furlough walkaway Levon Kahee 4.5.16
Please see attached news release for more information. RELEASE -HCCC Ext furlough Josiah Smith Arrested 8.28.17
Please see attached news release for more information. RELEASE - WCCC Ext Furlough Wakaway Momi arrested 9.11.17
RELEASE - Extended Furlough WCCC Regina Toro Arrested 11.9.15 Please see attached news release for more information.
Please see attached news release for more information. RELEASE - Sheriff arrest OCCC Mod 20 Walkaway Bryce Takara 2.13.18
RELEASE - KCCC Extended Furlough Walkaway Fowler Arrested 10.21.15 Please see attached news release for more information.